Sunday 20 May, the eve of 2018 National Volunteer Week, Brown Hill
had its first Volunteer Celebration. Around 100 people enjoyed a
scrumptious afternoon tea at the Brown Hill Cricket Clubrooms,
catered by local, Penthea from Vegas and Rose. All volunteers were
awarded a certificate of recognition presented by Federal Member
Catherine King MP and City of Ballarat Mayor Samantha McIntosh.
Hill's volunteers make sure our fantastic suburb has a wonderful
community hall and pool, many different sporting activities, an
annual community festival, a kindergarten and primary school engaged
with the community, a variety of support groups, this community
newsletter and more. Volunteers also raise funds through our local
service and church groups to invest in local activities.
of Ballarat Mayor Samantha McIntosh said she was impressed to learn
that some 350 people give their time, their skills and energy to
community groups which operate in Brown Hill. "People who
volunteer don’t often count the cost of their giving; but the
difference their volunteering makes is profound. In fact, we depend
on it. It’s a big part of what transforms places like Brown Hill
into a genuine community."
volunteer celebration allowed locals to meet each other, with
newsletter delivery volunteer, Susie, saying, “I’d love to come
along to meet more volunteers.” It was heartening to see volunteers
from Brown Hill's community, education, sporting and activity groups
introducing themselves and chatting about their volunteering
Member Catherine King MP mentioned how much she enjoyed being a part
of the celebrations and another newsletter delivery volunteer, Sue,
wrote, “Thank you for organising the lovely afternoon tea today. I
am really glad I came and was able to connect with some of the
amazing volunteers from around the area of Brown Hill. It is very
inspiring to hear what everyone does. We are certainly a very blessed
celebration was coordinated by the Brown Hill Progress Association,
Brown Hill Lions and
Brown Hill Lioness Clubs and the Brown Hill Cricket Club and received
funding from the City of Ballarat through the Community Impact Grants
to our suppliers, Penthea from Vegas and Rose for catering, Nigel
Stevens Photography, Ballarat Mailworks, the City of Ballarat for a
great certificate design and the Brown Hill Cricket Club and Eureka
Athletics for use of their shared clubrooms.
would also like to thank volunteers Brendan, Barry, Glenis, Phil and
Sarah for coordinating the celebration.
Hill Progress Association's Newsletter and Festival Coordinator
For information about National Volunteer Week, see: volunteeringaustralia.org/nvw/
Brown Hill Volunteers celebrating National Volunteer Week.
Photographer – Nigel Stevens.